We are a community of Ruby on Rails developers from all over the world.
Join us and talk on Slack!
We are a community of Ruby on Rails developers from all over the world.
Join us and talk on Slack!
We are 22,363 Ruby on Rails developers from all over the world, including avid OSS contributors, full-stack engineers, startup founders, backend engineers, and people just learning Ruby on Rails.
We currently have 41 channels in our Slack community.
This channel is for team-wide communication and announcements. All team members are in this channel.
22,359 members
Ask coding question, talk about codes.
22,089 members
Place to get to know each other
21,766 members
html, css, js, design, and other fun user-facing stuff
21,455 members
Share good reads for the Ruby and Rails Developers community and twitter shares will be posted here
20,908 members
A place to post job offers. Job seekers should post in <#C0556LDRW7R|>.
Please reply via thread to help keep signal/noise ratio high.
20,846 members
We have 22,363 members from all over the world.
See how many members live in each time zone.